Note: For the most actual and detailed information, visit Good Food Institute:

> Organizations / Consumers


What we can achieve together

  • Together we can raise awareness not only amongst consumers, but also amongst scientists and in the food industry. Our aim? To replace the use of animals in food production with the alternatives described here on this website.

  • Get in touch with us to find out more about vegetarian meat, non-dairy milk products, egg replacements and cultured meat.

  • Conversely, if you have relevant information or links for us, please pass them on. Thank you!

  • Inform media contacts, researchers and food companies that you may know of about the topic of this website. Ask them to contribute to development or to report on this issue.

  • Let the food-industry know about new egg-replacers for industrial applications, let them know about companies like Meatless, and about the status quo of vegetarian meat and the top brands worldwide (for their inspiration), ...

  • Inform the food-industry about cultured meat, or look for funding for cultured meat.

  • Celebrities could be of great help promoting vegetarian meat or cultured meat. They also could help us to get in contact with decision makers in the global food industry.

  • If you or your organisation would like to setup a link from your homepage to www.futurefood.org, we would, of course, be very grateful.

  • Contact us


  • Get involved in having a positive effect on human rights, environmental protection, animal welfare and health.

  • Buy vegetarian meat instead of animal derived meat, and non-dairy milk drinks (e.g., soya, rice, oat etc) instead of dairy milk.

  • Contact companies, suppliers and restaurants and ask them to sell or use or develop animal-free products (like non-diary milk-drinks or vegetarian meat).

  • Spread www.futurefood.org and its ideas in internet-groups and web forums for researchers or for the food-industry, or in forums covering these livestock related topics: Animal rights, ecology (like global warming), world hunger, nutrition and health.

  • Promote certain pages of www.futurefood.org in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.

  • If you know celebrities personally: They could be of great help promoting vegetarian meat or cultured meat. They also could help us to get in contact with decision makers in the global food industry.

  • Contact us